Thursday, March 17, 2011

If There Is A Hell...

The violent behavior of Fred Phelps that has recently been revealed by his estranged seventh-son, Nate, comes as no surprise. Any person whose entire "ministry" revolves around hate is bound to exhibit violent behavior. (I don't think that I have ever heard any reports of this "pastor" of the Westboro Baptist "Church" even saying the word love.)

At the end of the article, Nate Phelps (the son) says this: "So since the United States is taking steps to move in the direction of equality for gays in America, he says that has doomed America... So anyone who is connected to America, so anyone who is supporting America in any sense is subject to the wrath of God."

So... here's what I'm wondering... The Westboro Baptist "Church" benefited from the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in their favor. The court decided that they have the right to do what they do, right? So... doesn't that mean that they are "connected to America"? I mean, they live in America. They live under the rule of the U.S. government. They were just supported by the highest court in America.

So...according to their own claims regarding what happens to those who are connected to America...doesn't this mean that (due to their association) "God Hates Westboro Baptist Church"?

Just wondering...