So I started leading a new book study at church this week. We are studying the book,
Practicing Our Faith: A Way of Life for a Searching People, edited by Dorothy C. Bass. The book explores 12 different Christian practices - "shared activities that address fundamental human needs and that, woven together, form a way of life."
The group that met today talked a bit about things that people yearn for today. That is, what are we all out there hoping and wishing to find? The first thing that was mentioned today was "belonging" -- we all want to feel like we
belong (and maybe even fit in). Another person mentioned "rest". (How sad that we have bought into the culture's belief that we can't rest until we retire!) There was also some talk about
play -- not a practice that is explored in the book, but definitely something that we all need to practice!
I'll be posting things from time to time about the book study. If you aren't a member of the church -- or you just aren't able to come to the study -- I invite you to join us all here!